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Neighborhood Enhancement Team Donation

Price: Select more info to see donation amounts
Item Number: CC121201-41600-RC00423-GT129625

Neighborhood Enhancement Team donations support Code Compliance efforts to increase safety, aesthetic appeal and economic vitality in Arlington neighborhoods. The Team encourages involvement of community organizations, neighborhood associations and faith-based groups.

Code Compliance dedicates additional resources to Neighborhood Enhancement Team cleanup events through hands-on participation, proactive outreach to increase community engagement and collaboration with other city departments to provide needed services. Donations help support neighborhood beautification and educational efforts in support of Council's priority to Champion Great Neighborhoods.

Click here to learn more about the Neighborhood Enhancement Team.

All donations are tax deductible in accordance with Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Interested in volunteering at an upcoming neighborhood event? Click here to let us know you are interested in donating your time to help Champion Great Neighborhoods or call 817-459-6777.


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